Hit by PhD Blues

Hey all, I have been visiting this site quite often but I have never posted anything. I just wanted to share my concerns with someone, so here I am.

Spoiler alert: this is a depressing post.

I am a PhD student in 2nd year of research and I think I am hit by the ‘second year blues’. There is absolutely no other way to put it right: I am bored with my research! I feel like my life is wrapped up in this box of academic books and I am fed up of everything.

This is unusual for me, as I used to love exploring, studying, researching. You can say that I am a book worm and I love my research, but now? I am not too sure about anything! I can’t find it in me to work for even a few hours a week. All I do is eat a lot and watch TV shows. My friends are PhD scholars and they are too busy with their own stuff to help me out. So, yeah it seems like I am isolated! I am in serious need of some motivation or my academic marks will be highly affected by this tantrum of my brain.
I was just wondering if anyone could help me out, or share their experiences. Much thanks.

Posted in: PhD Thesis